Art Exploration II - Thursdays 4:30-5:45pm

Art Exploration II - Thursdays 4:30-5:45pm


In this class, students will be introduced to a wide variety of mediums, techniques, and styles. This includes drawing and painting mediums, such as watercolor, acrylics, gouache, pastels, pen and ink, and charcoal, but also printmaking, paper cutting, clay, and weaving, to name just a few. Students will learn basic art concepts and techniques such as color theory, shading, sketching, and perspective. We explore art from different genres, specific artists, past and present, and art from a wide array of cultures around the world.

At this age, our goal is to expose them to various forms of art and materials they may not have at home or school. We combine step-by-step projects with time to explore mediums on their own, using their own creativity. Projects are typically short, usually being done start to finish in a single class so that we may have variety each month.

The projects done in this class and Art Exploration I usually overlap. Art Exploration I is for grades 1-4, so often the same project is done but simplified for that class, or maybe the students in this class are given a bit more creative freedom. Since grades 3 & 4 overlap both classes, you may determine placement based on your assessment of your child’s skills.

Is your child more outgoing and maybe just looking for an after school activity? For grades 5 and up we also have Art Club, which includes similar projects, but is a little less structured and students are given a bit more freedom to take projects in their own direction, in an open, more social environment.

This is an ongoing class, meaning a varying set of skills and new projects are taught each month/semester.


Registration and Billing procedure:

This class runs for a full semester. The winter/spring session runs January 9th through May 29th. You may enroll mid-semester and start at the beginning of the upcoming month (or contact us to see if you can start sooner). You may also withdraw early by notifying us by the 25th of the month prior.

You will pay for the first month at this time when registering. We will then contact you later to set up for autopay for subsequent months. Monthly payments will take place automatically on the first of each month. Here is the payment schedule ($30/class x # classes each month):

2/1 - $120 (covers all February lessons and supplies) [paid for here]
3/1- $120 (covers all March lessons and supplies)
4/1- $90 (covers all April lessons and supplies) * No classes first week (spring break)
5/1- $150 (covers all May lessons and supplies)


Instructor: Cynthia Caldwell

Grades: 3-6

Dates: Thursdays January 9 through May 29

Location: 2nd floor art room

Class size: min: 4 max: 10

Supplies: All supplies are included in the cost.

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