Summer Recital And Art Show
Saturday, June 24th 2023
RECITAL 2:00-3:15PM
ART SHOW 1:30-3:30PM
The Lawn @ 116 S. Prospect St. Roselle, IL 60172
Music Recital
Students will perform onstage outside on the lawn. There will be some chairs provided, but we are also asking families to bring their own seating, if possible. Feel free to bring blankets and food to enjoy the recital “Ravinia-style,” if you prefer.
Students are asked to arrive no later than 1:30pm. Formal attire is not required for those performing, however we do ask students to dress appropriately for the occasion.
Each student may perform a maximum of ONE solo piece per instrument and ONE duet or group piece.
Early Beginner students with short pieces may play up to THREE separate melodies if they are arranged as a single medley.
All students performing in the outdoor recital must submit the form below by Friday, June 16th in order to participate.
Art Exhibition
Students who have taken Art Lessons with us in any of our 2023 terms are invited to participate in the 2-hour exhibition. Students have the option to simply display their work or sell it. The items may be projects done in class or independently (as long as appropriate). Details and registration below:
There is no cost to the student for participating. Students may keep any money made. Customers will be asked to pay with cash. If a student wants to take a personal check made out to an adult 18+, they may.
Students will be able to display up to 30 works of art. They may choose to sell any amount (0-30). Students may set pricing as they choose with $20 being the maximum price for any single item.
All students displaying work will be given one 4x4 table, two easels, and stickers for pricing. Students are welcome to bring additional materials for decorating and displaying their work (tablecloths, grid displays, frames, etc.) and are encouraged to bring their own basic supplies such as paper, pen/pencils, and tape.
Tables will be numbered, and each participant will be assigned a number. Students may set up anytime between 1:00-1:30pm. Students must be completely set up by 1:30pm and must stay until 3:30pm. Students must submit the form below by Friday, June 16th in order to participate.